COVID-19 Information
- On April 8, 2020
COVID-19 Information
Here you will find information on supports available to individuals to help with a variety of circumstances over the course of the Covid-19 outbreak. We have signposted to other websites where necessary, and where it would be most helpful. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Milford & District Resource Centre on (074) 9153736 or via email info@mdrc.ie. If you need support as a result of self-isolation or cocooning, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will help.
Social Welfare
COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment
For employees and self-employed people, if your work has ceased as a result of the closures enforced due to the pandemic, you are entitled to the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment. This is paid at a flat rate of €350 per week and is a temporary emergency payment. If you have not yet claimed for this payment, and you have been temporarily laid off as a result of the pandemic you can apply for the payment online using your MyGov ID or you can fill in a paper form and post it to the Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection. If you do not have access to a printer or cannot complete this online, then simply contact our office at Milford & District Resource Centre and we will post one out to you. If you are having difficulty completing the form, get in touch and we can help you out.
Short Time Work Support
If your hours have been reduced as a result of the pandemic to 3 days per week or less then you are entitled to Short Time Work Support, which is a form of Jobseeker’s Benefit. Short Time Work Support is based on your PRSI contributions. If you do not qualify for this payment then you can apply for Jobseeker’s Allowance.
Fuel Allowance
If you are in receipt of Fuel Allowance already then you will continue to collect this for an additional 4 weeks. This is to help out with people for a prolonged period. The Fuel Allowance will now be payable until May 8th 2020. You do not need to do anything to avail of this, it is an automatic extension.
Rent Supplement
If your financial circumstances have changed as a result of the pandemic, e.g. your hours have been reduced or you have been temporarily laid off, and you find that you can no longer afford your rent, you may be entitled to Rent Supplement. This is a means-tested payment. Rent Supplement is available as a short-term income support to those in the private rented sector who are finding it difficult to pay their rent. As many people in the private rented sector have lost significant employment income, the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection will use the full flexibility of the scheme to provide the necessary support.
You must be living in private rented accommodation for at least 6 months (183 days) of the last 12 months, and must have been able to afford the rent at the beginning of your tenancy but you are unable to continue to pay the rent because of a substantial change in your circumstances which occurred after you started renting. You can combine time living in more than one rented accommodation to satisfy the 6 months. For more information contact us in the office or check out this link.
You should avoid going into arrears with your landlord as much as possible. If you think you will be unable to pay upcoming rent due then contact your landlord to explain the situation. Communication is key. If you need any further legal advice on the matter contact the Citizens Information on
Collecting Social Welfare
If you are unable to collect your social welfare payment as a result of illness, self-isolation or cocooning then you have a number of options. Firstly your payment will remain in the Post Office for 90 days from the date it was due to be paid. Alternatively you can nominate someone to collect the payment on your behalf. You can download the form for this here (or contact the office and we will send one out to you). You can also request that the payment be paid directly into your bank account by filling in this form (again you can contact us to send you the form and help with its completion).
Fortnightly Payments
Whether you are paid directly into your bank account or you collect your payment from your local post office, social welfare will now be paid every two weeks. This does not affect the amount you will receive – you will simply receive two weeks worth of payment every fortnight. This is to reduce the amount that people need to leave their houses to collect payments, though it also applies to those who are paid directly into their bank accounts.
Cocooning Supports in the Community
If you are cocooning in the wider Milford area, including surrounding towns you can contact us for help regarding essential pick-ups and deliveries to your door, including prescription pick-ups from any pharmacy and grocery shop and drops from local shops. All you need to do is contact us on (074) 9153736 Monday-Friday 9am-5.30pm or contact our manager Declan Meehan directly on 085 1947339 (evenings until 9pm and 12pm-6pm weekends).
Social Prescribing
Milford & District Resource Centre is the base for the HSE-funded social prescriber, Lesley Newberry. Lesley covers the entire Milford district, including Ramelton, Rathmullan, Milford, Kilmacrennan, Kerrykeel, Fanad, Cranford, Carrigart and Downings. Social prescribing is a service available for anyone who is feeling lonely, socially isolated, anxious, stressed or depressed and wants to find out more about supports available in the community to alleviate these. You can request a regular check-in via telephone call over the course of the pandemic. If you just want to have a chat with someone Lesley will be happy to help out. She is available on 089 2157232 and on lesley@mdrc.ie. Lesley is also linked into our cocooning supports in the community so if you have multiple needs we can coordinate to ensure they are all being met, during this difficult time.
During this difficult time people are struggling financially. If you are in need of support to be able to purchase food, but do not have the means to do so, please contact us in confidence and we will help you out. You can call our office on (074) 9153736 and request to speak to Declan Meehan.
Personal Finances
Many people will experience a change in their financial circumstances as a result of the pandemic due to being laid off. If you are in financial difficulty, the first thing you should do is write up a three-month budget prioritising food, healthcare and utilities. If you think you will be unable to pay loan repayments, rent or mortgage payments then contact your creditors or landlords immediately to communicate this with them. All the main banks in Ireland have announced that repayments can be paused for three months without adversely affecting your credit rating, but you must contact them to arrange this – it is not automatic. The most important thing is to communicate with creditors and landlords if you are unable to make payments and to come to an agreement with them. You can check out this link for more information and advice, as well as guidance on how to navigate this.
Useful Numbers
HSE COVID-19 Info Helpline 1850 24 1850
Donegal County Council Community Response Helpline 1800 928 982
Donegal County Council (074) 9153900
Garda Síochána, Milford (074) 9153060
Milford & District Resource Centre (074) 9153736
Lesley Newberry, Social Prescriber 089 2157232
Declan Meehan, Community Support 085 1947339