MDRC Secures Covid-19 Funding
- On May 6, 2020
Milford & District Resource Centre has received emergency funding of €1,000 from Donegal County Council to help fund community work in response to the Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown. The money was made available by the Department of Rural and Community Development and the grant application was administered by the county council.
The €1,000 will be used for a variety of different measures that MDRC has taken to be better able to respond to the increase in demand from members of the community for help and assistance as a direct result of the lockdown.
The money will be spent on facilitating online courses, workshops and support groups which will be organised by the social prescriber for the Milford-Fanad-Rosguill area, Leslesy Newberry. One of those courses, an online mental health course, has been extremely successful in its first two weeks and has been attended by people from across the district.
The money will also be used for sanitiser and face masks for staff and volunteers who have been doing prescription pick-ups, shop and drops and other essential tasks for those cocooning and self-isolating in the community. The money will also be used for travel expenses associated with this work.
“We are delighted to receive this money from the department and from Donegal County Council as it directly supports the work we are doing in conjunction with other community groups and sports clubs in the area” said Declan Meehan. “The money will be put to good use, practically supporting people in the community in a variety of ways.”
Milford & District Resource Centre have been operating prescription pick-ups and shop and drop, as well as one-to-one phone support for people in the community since March 16th. While their office has been closed to the public since then, the organisation has been operating as normally as possible with added work in supporting the local community.
A full list of organisations funded under the same scheme in the Letterkenny-Milford Municipal District can be found below:
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