Free Tap Water Refills at MDRC
- On April 6, 2022
We have signed up to the Refill Ireland project. You can now pop in to Milford & District Resource Centre for a free water bottle refill.
Single use water bottles are a huge cause of pollution in Ireland which is having a negative impact on our environment and wildlife. Bottled water also contains high amounts of microplastics. Thousands are being produced daily, with most not being recycled. Using a reusable water bottle can make a big difference to the environment and your health!
Businesses all over Ireland have signed up to the project to help end plastic waste. We are the first place in Milford on the tap map, but if any other businesses are interested please contact us.
You can find all of the free tap water refill points here on the tap map:
https://refill.ie/tap-map or by downloading the Refill Ireland app which is available on Android and Apple devices.