Market Square Milford, Donegal, Ireland
+353 74 915 3736

Supporting & Empowering the Local Community

CRN: 356149


Declan Meehan – Manager

Declan is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Milford & District Resource Centre (MDRC), as well as the management of Community Business Services, the social enterprise of MDRC. He is also the community development worker for the Milford area as part of this role, and works to support local community organisations, sports clubs and projects. Declan’s role also involves supporting groups and individuals with grant applications, as well as making grant applications on behalf of community, economic and social development in the wider Milford area. You can contact Declan directly on

Kirsty Shields – Front Desk

Kirsty works on the front desk of Milford & District Resource Centre, helping customers with printing and design queries. She also deals with any general inquiries in relation to what’s available in Milford & District Resource Centre, including room rental.

Lesley Newberry – Social Prescriber

Lesley is our social prescriber, a post which is funded by the HSE. People can be referred into Lesley via their GP, or they can self-refer by contacting Lesley directly via the office or on email. Lesley works with people who want to connect more with their local community and helps people tackle issues like loneliness and social isolation. Lesley also facilitates our MS and Parkinson’s Support Group. You can contact Lesley directly on

Marie Tonra – M.Y.E Future Youth Project Co-ordinator

Marie is our Project Co-ordinator for the new International Fund for Ireland funded Youth Development Project ‘M.Y.E Future Project’ in MDRC. You can contact Marie directly on

Lynette Morgan – Administrator

Lynette works in the accounts office and deals with many of our bookkeeping and payroll clients. She also manages the financial administration of Milford & District Resource Centre. You can contact Lynette directly on

Emma-Lou Kerr – Community Development Worker

Emma-Lou is our community development officer, supporting and developing community groups, assisting in grant applications alongside coordinating events in The Galowglass Community Centre. Contact Emma-Lou directly on

Rose Doherty – Accounts Assistant

Rose works in the accounts office and deals with a number of our clients, working on payroll, tax returns and bookkeeping. You can contact her directly on

Kelly McGonagle – Communications Administrator

Kelly is the communications administrator for the Milford & District Resource Centre including the Social Enterprise Community Business Services and the Rags to Riches Thrift Shop. You can contact Kelly directly on


Paul McElhinney, Chairperson

Jean Kearney, Secretary

Stephanie Hagan, Treasurer

Pat Curley

Maria Doherty

Frank Walls

Karen McGinley

James McGinley

Eugene McCafferty

Paul Bonar

Cormac Friel